Wilpattu is among the oldest and most important protected areas in Sri Lanka and being situated away from the common tourist routes, this National Park is unspoilt and can be enjoyed in tranquil seclusion.
Covering an area of 131,000 hectares that stretches from the North-western coast to the north-central province, the Wilpattu National Park is one of best parks to visit in Sri Lanka. Wilpattu’s varying natural habitats; coastal belt, natural lakes (villus), cliff tops, scrublands, open grasslands and dense forest provide for numerous species of animals.
The coastal belt and natural lakes attract many species of birds such as Painted Storks, Black-headed Ibis, Asian Open-bills, Whistling Teals, Eurasian Spoonbills, Little & Indian Cormorants and many species of kingfishers as well as water monitors and mugger crocodiles.